We will be back on the API trail soon but just a quick aside with regard to troubleshooting issues in ServiceDesk Plus. To assist in problem resolution support might want you to generate a Support File to send over to them for further analysis. The Support File is actually a zip file of all the relevant log files in the ServiceDesk Plus installation folders that monitor the current operation of ServiceDesk Plus and is generated from the Support or Community tab:


Whilst you could obviously review the files in the zip, or the actual files on the server, it is actually possible to analyse these log files in real-time while using ServiceDesk Plus. At times this can be very useful for understanding what might be happening with the application under certain conditions. Whilst it might not be possible to fix the issue without further assistance from the development teams at Zoho it can sometimes be very helpful to review the live operation of ServiceDesk Plus in real-time.

This kind of facility is already built into Unix by means of the ‘tail’ command. For those more familiar to Windows the ‘SnakeTail’ utility can be very useful:



A quick and dirty implementation of the Unix tail command ‘SnakeTail’ also includes some nice additions such as highlighted keyword matching and multiple file viewing.


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Service Desk

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