As of October 2022, Microsoft has disabled Basic Authentication* on their applications and is now forcing users to use Modern Authentication. This sudden change may have thrown a wrench into mail fetching in your ServiceDesk Plus instance. However, with just a few simple changes in your configuration, your service will be back up and running.

First, you’ll need to go to your mail server settings in your instance. When you do this, you may be greeted with a screen that looks like this:

Just click on “Switch and Configure” on the top right, and you’ll be greeted by a simpler setup for your mail server.

If you have an Office 365 or Outlook account, you can configure that by going into the mail server settings in ServiceDesk Plus and choosing which mailbox service you’re using.

ServiceDesk Plus
Once you have selected your preferred mailbox, you simply log in to your Microsoft account.
ServiceDesk Plus

After successfully logging in to your Microsoft account, you will have your mailbox made with modern authentication enabled.

Alternatively, you can use the native mail service that ServiceDesk Plus Cloud offers.

ServiceDesk Plus
When you go into your mail server settings, you will see a unique email address for your ServiceDesk Plus instance. All you have to do is activate it, set the “Reply Back Name,” and your mail server is good to go.

To set an email domain more suited to your organisation go to “Mail Addresses” in “Mail Settings.”

From here, you can add your organisation’s email. Once added, you then have the option to verify ownership and set appropriate DKIM settings.

Once you got your domain sorted you can change the reply-to-address and your mail server is good to go.

If you have any questions about this or ServiceDesk Plus Cloud feel free to contact us or engage with our professional services.

* For more information about Microsoft disabling Basic Authentication click here

This article is relevant to:
Service Desk

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