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On most customer installations these days I’m making sure that I configure the Advanced Analytics feature in ServiceDesk Plus. This has really helped our clients get to grips with the amazing amount of key performance indicator (KPI) information that is contained in their service desk. Setup takes only minutes and is well worth the effort.
First off look for the ‘Advanced Analytics’ or ‘Zoho Reports Integration’ option in the ‘Admin’ tab:


If you don’t already have a Zoho account you wish to use create a new account using the ‘Sign Up’ link. I generally recommend using a ‘non-user’ account or the actual help desk email account you’re using for ServiceDesk Plus.


Once you’ve created your Zoho account and signed in click on the ‘Setup Zoho Report Integration‘ button and you should be presented with a screen where you can enter your zoho account details, Zoho AT key and date you wish to start synchronising data from:


To generate you Zoho AT key you will need to click on the following link when logged into your Zoho account:


You should see something similar returned as a result from this link with details of the Zoho AT key:

#Mon Nov 23 04:06:50 PST 2015

Once you have completed entering the required details and pressed the ‘Save’ button you should see a message similar to the following indicating the initial synchronisation process is running (if you have any issues at this stage it is usually because the ServiceDesk Plus server is prevented from access the Internet to access the Zoho reports data servers):
After the initial data synchronisation when you login to Zoho reports you should see a ‘ME ServiceDesk Plus Analytics’ in your ‘My Databases’ tab on the home page:
It’s then simply a case of taking a look at the pre-defined dashboards to get a feel for the vast amount of data that is available at your fingertips – too much to go into in this blog post!
Please note that Zoho provide the following free account for use with Zoho Reports, after that you’ll need to invest in a paid-for subscription:
One useful point to note is that with a free account in Zoho Reports it is possible to share the views and elements of the Zoho database to other users that sign-up for a free Zoho account.
Back in SeviceDesk Plus use the ‘Additional Setup’ tab to specify the ‘Periodic Data Synchronisation’ and ‘Data Retention’ cycles.


This article is relevant to:
Service Desk

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