Sometimes it’s handy to know when users might have raised a request using a specific template from the self-service portal. You might even need this notification to go to a distribution list of recipients. This post discusses a couple of easy techniques to achieve this in ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus.

ServiceDesk Plus provides a way in which you can receive an email and an SMS notification when a request is generated. Notification Rules is a method you could use to send an email or SMS to a technician or a requester. However, for a specific template, you will need to configure a custom trigger.

When you create a Custom Trigger you will need some form of criteria to match; the simplest choice would be to set the criteria as Template is <specific template> (in the screenshot below, I chose “application crashes frequently”). But you could match any unique criteria for the template:

ServiceDesk Plus
(The custom trigger options)

Once you’ve added your match criteria you can select an Action for the Custom Trigger. You want to select Notification Action.

ServiceDesk Plus
(The notification email template)

When you have your Notification Action, select an email template or create one by clicking the pencil icon. Once you’ve got your email template done, select which group you want to send it to. In this case, my email template is “notification email application maintenance” and it will be sent to the technical team.

Once you have done that, you can save your newly created custom trigger and update it, and now your email notification will go to everyone on the technical team.

The email notification will now go to everyone on the email distribution list.


If you want to know more about ServiceDesk Plus or other ManageEngine products feel free to contact us or feel free to check out our services.

This article is relevant to:
Service Desk

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