How best to track assets, now that’s a question. ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus provides a variety of options to interactively scan workstations and servers from an ‘agentless’ (WMI/SSH) and agent based perspective. However, did you know that you can also actively scan your infrastructure devices using SNMP to ensure they are operational resources in the environment?
First off you need to ensure you have the appropriate SNMP credentials configured in ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus. To do this go to ‘Admin’ > ‘Credentials Library’ and click ‘Add New Credential’ and choose a ‘Credential Type’ of ‘SNMP V1/V2’:


* You’ll notice from the drop-down you also have the option to add VMWare credentials which can be used to scan your VMWare virtual hosts too!

Fill out the mandatory fields and click ‘Save Credential’. You should now see a list of your scan credentials:

Now you could manually add a target device in the relevant section of your IT Asset register with details of the IP address or host name in the name field. The example shows a record I created to add a new firewall record with minimal information:

Now to actively scan the device simply click the ‘Scan Now’ button. This will show a pop-up where you can select the appropriate saved credential and then select ‘Save and Scan now’:

You might get an error which indicates that ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus was unable to identify the model type. If this occurs you need to look at ‘Admin > ‘Scan Settings’ > ‘Configure Product for Unknown sysOID’. You might see the details for a range of devices that are not current part of the ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus SNMP database entries which you can the set the correct product type, product and vendor (the OID is a unique reference returned by the polling of the SNMP agent):

Having updated the entry you can rescan the device. On successful completion you will see a range of information about the device:

Please bear in mind you can use either import a suitable target list of network devices and do a bulk scan by selecting the target devices from a summary list:

If you don’t have a list, you could perform a Network Scan of an IP range using the required SNMP credential under ‘Admin’ > ‘Network Scan’:


This article is relevant to:
Service Desk

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