This proved an interesting requirement for one client recently. They were in the process of commissioning their self-service portal ion ServiceDesk Plus. At this stage a full-on user survey was judged to be too onerous but the help desk team wanted some means to assess overall user satisfaction via the self-service portal. On further discussion I judged that a simple snap poll would be sufficient to meet this requirement.
How did we implement it? A little on-line investigation threw up a few suitable cloud based services that offered flexible options to perform on-line snap polls. We elected to use the following site (no affiliation by the way) as it seems to offer a number of options for creating the snap poll and was relatively easy to setup once you had registered:
Creating a poll couldn’t be simpler, just enter your question and then decide what answers you wish to provide – the preview screen on the right shows you what your poll will look like:


In the example above we used the advanced editor option on each question and used the ‘smileys’ available in the editor. If you want a larger smiley you can choose to upload your own graphics to each question :0) There are also plenty of options to save and create your own themes for displaying the poll.
Once you’ve got the poll looking how you want the ‘Settings’ tab defines a range of options for controlling how the user interacts with the poll and whether they will be able to see the running poll results. Finally the ‘Share’ tab gives you a range of options for sharing your poll. In this case we used the ‘Embed’ options sub-tab to obtain suitable code for embedding in an HTML page:
It’s then simply a case of taking this code and adding it too the ‘SelfServiceHelp.html’ file in the ‘custom’ folder on the ServiceDesk Plus application server. The result could look something like this when logging on as a requester to ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus:
This article is relevant to:
Service Desk

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