Following on from the previous blog post I thought I’d highlight another area that demonstrates the flexibility of ManageEngine’s ServiceDesk Plus self-service portal. This time I thought we’d look at the ability to publish projects* via the self-service portal and have users potentially create, manage and interact with ServiceDesk Plus’s self-service portal. 
The key to publishing the Projects module to end users relates to setting a Project role for the intended users. This can be done on one of two ways either by means of a global setting for the user account or on a project-by-project basis.


Specifying a global default project setting for the user is performed on the relevant Requester record under Admin > Requesters. In the Requester record you should see an option to set a Project Role for the Requester account:








Select a suitable project role for the user to default the project access level the user will have when a full Project Admin creates and adds them to an active project as a project member:


Note that you can use the default project roles or modify and add your own from Admin > Project Roles, useful if you want to adopt the RACI model:






Even though the requester may have a default project access level it is still possible for a full Project Admin to override this setting for the user for the specified project:


Even is a default project access role is not defined for a user account they can still be added to a project at the required access level by a relevant administrator of the project:






Once a user has been associated with a project or has been given project admin rights they will have the relevant access to the Projects tab when they login to their self-service portal:




* Please note that this blog post is intended for users of the Enterprise Edition of ServiceDesk Plus or for those users that have upgraded their Standard or Professional Edition to include the Projects module.
This article is relevant to:
Service Desk

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