Well it’s been crazy busy so apologies for the lack of content of late. Thought I’d just post this one quickly as I saw one of my users using this very trick.
If you find yourself in your ‘normal’ email world working on a support email you can always forward, or cc, the email into ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus. This will create a new request in ServiceDesk Plus readily enough but then you’re having to perform a manual merge on the new request to add it to the existing support request:
Easy enough for sure. However, if you already know the Request ID of the current support request in ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus then all you need to do is edit the subject line of the email you are about to send and add the following text to the existing email subject line:
##Request ID##      e.g.  ##123456##
(I’ve assumed the default auto-merge string of ‘##’, but you may have changed this in your system)
Do it this way and you’ve no need to manually merge the request later ..
This article is relevant to:
Service Desk

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