Well here is the promised Part 2 …..
One element that often gets missed in the Resolution panel is the fact that you can search the Solutions or Knowledge portal for a previously created article. The text ‘Search Solutions’, just above the Resolution tab input field in a request, is actually a link to the Solutions module:
If you hover your mouse over the text you’ll see it is actually a hyperlink. Pressing it will take you to the Solutions module but it also has the cool function of populating the default search criteria in the Solutions module with the title of the request.
This neat little trick means that, when combined with suitable Incident templates, you can offer technicians a quick any easy means of locating appropriate resolutions to an issue. All you need to do in your ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus Solutions module is create a series of potential articles that include the default request title of the Incident template. 
In the example I’m using I have an Incident Template in my Service Catalogue with the default title of ‘Report Printer Error’. When an end user selects this template they are prompted to report certain details about the printer fault as part of raising the request. 
When the technician selects the ‘Search Solutions’ link in the Resolution tab of the request they are shown the knowledge articles that contain the text ‘Report Printer Error’. The Technician can then simply select the appropriate article via the check box, given the details reported by the users, and copy the content to the Resolution tab simply by clicking the ‘Copy to resolution’ button:
The technician can then complete the request resolution in the appropriate manner, for example by marking as Resolved and adding a WorkLog:
This technique is ideal for issues where there are know errors and specific outcomes for resolution that can be suitably documented. 
Don’t forget you can always drop suitable pictures into a knowledge article to help assist the end user – check out the resolution email below:
This article is relevant to:
Service Desk

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