Well certainly keeping busy and we’re nearly into March already so apologies if I haven’t been able to put up as many blog posts as I would like!

Working with a client the other week we were expanding upon the Incident management workflow in ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus. The issue of effective Incident resolution came up and I expanded on a number of hints and tips that might be useful to hard pressed Technicians in dealing with their request queues. 

I’ve decided to split this into two parts as there is a fair bit to cover. So, first off, the Resolution tab in a Request. 

Did you realise that this tab has been designed so a Technician can swiftly close a call without having to navigate to the other tabs of the request? That’s why you see both the Status Request field and a Work Log option. Assuming the Technician in ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus has completed all the other mandatory elements of a Request they can enter the resolution, select the Request Status (ideally ‘Resolved’ if using auto request closure options) and enter any required WorkLog details if this is being mandated and submit – easy!

Another option to make life even easier is to setup a series of default Resolution Templates a Technician can simply select from when resolving a request – the less typing the better and it all ads up over hundreds of requests. To set the Resolution Templates you’ll need to go to the Admin Tab and select the ‘Helpdesk Customizer’ and look for Resolution Templates in the left-hand menu options:

Simply create the required Resolution Templates for the Technicians to select from the Resolution tab in a request  – either way it’s go to be better than a Technician just writing ‘Done’!

When you have created a Resolution Template in ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus there will be a drop down selection box in the Resolution Tab of a Request – couldn’t be simpler really:

That’s part 1. Part 2 to follow shortly.


This article is relevant to:
Service Desk

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